This is the Last Song I Will Ever Sing, No, I've Changed My Mind Again

Downtown LB Arts District
You know, a bus and some plants.  We got 'em.

Almost all of the electrical boxes in LB are painted by independent artists.  I hope to photograph them all.

Note to self: great background for outfit shoot, but must find way to move huge dumpsters.
They love bikes in LB.  I can't wait to get a new one!

Hell yeah, buddy.

The "Cooper Arms", right across the street from my new job.
Today was going to be my last post, indefinitely.  Then Catherine emailed me this morning and it made my whole day.  

"I just caught up on your blog posts and I can't believe how much trouble you are having getting health care! It makes me so sad how insurance is there to help people when they are sick, but they won't cover people who are sick! Makes no sense, and it breaks my heart that you are having so much trouble. I hope you can start getting all the help you need my darling."

Thanks, boo.  It's stuff like this that keeps me going. 

I had been thinking over the past few weeks, after being harassed by bloggers who either felt the need to tell me, "you're not fat enough to be a fatshion blogger, so get out of our community, and stop pretending to be one of us..." or, my favorite: "your blog just isn't COOL, you don't do any giveaways, and you never do any DIYs, and you don't have any kids, so it's kinda boring."  So, I'm not fat enough for the body-positive community (which I thought was ALL ABOUT ACCEPTANCE AND NOT JUDGEMENT), and I'm not "cool" enough for the cool blogs...because I don't want to do a DIY on tye-dye underpants, and I don't have cute kids to dress up in arrow print leggings, so I'm obsolete? What the fuck am I supposed to do?  People are taking time out of their day to tell me this?  These are real emails people.

My favorite is being snubbed on Facebook.  As soon as I post my opinion on something, which I am entitled to do, twenty snarly bitches have to message me and explain why the "language I am using is wrong" or how I am "not a feminist" or just completely snub me.  I get it.  You won your "contest" and now you don't need me to vote for you anymore.  I don't live in the Midwest, THANK GOD.  I never will, I don't want to.  Have fun being cold and icy, probably like your genitals.  Oh and by the way, I LOVE BLURRED LINES.  I CAN'T PLAY THAT SONG ENOUGH, IN FACT I AM GOING TO GET THE LYRICS AS A TATTOO, CHOLO STYLE.

I am going to follow in the footsteps of a blogger I admire, Autumn, of Gypsybee, and just post WHAT I WANT, WHEN I WANT, always making sure it's something of quality and substance.  That's why yesterday I didn't worry about what outfit I was wearing, or bringing my tri-pod with me, or setting my timer.  I just got back to taking pretty pictures of my new home, and I loved it.  I started getting a bunch of new ideas for my "new" blog and it's design, excited to share them with a future designer.

That's a whole other story.
I was shocked to find that someone whom I respect an admire, whom I was willing to pay BIG BUCKS to re-design my blog would not follow me on IG, friend me on Facebook, or has even read my blog.  They sure remember to email me about the money though, and to make sure I am going to pay them and when.  

I understand people are busy, but how are you going to glean a design or an aesthetic for a personal blog, and a personal style, without ever having READ OR SEEN THE FUCKING THING.  It takes all of four minutes to peruse a blog.  It could be a blog about collecting trolls, for all this person knows.  In fact, that sounds like a great blog.  I think I will have some kids to make this blog "interesting", eat a box of Krispy Kremes for all meals in order to "bulk-up" so I can legitimately blog about being "plus-size", and start collecting Treasure Trolls, because it's "cool."



  1. Please, keep doing what you do! I mean honestly, if you're not enough like anyone else to fit into a category, you're unique! You have a niche! I would rather hear from someone real than from a million "carefully curated" magazine-like perfect life blogs. Also, fuck anyone who doesn't realize the strength of feminism and fat acceptance is, duh, acceptance and inclusivity. They're doing it wrong, not you. I love you and I love hearing what you have to say.

    1. I love you. It's because of you and my other readers I keep going.

  2. AMEN to that!! (What Jenny said.)

    I love that your blog is real and genuine to you! And I love you!! I'm sad that these people keep finding ways to upset you though and make you not want to blog at all.

    I'm excited to see what's coming up on here!! :)

    Remember, I'm only a text/fb message/instagram tag/twitter dm/email away!!! ;)


Thanks for reading! I love comments from anyone who isn't a CUNT.