No, I Win

You may have noticed all your lovely comments have been deleted from my blog.  Due to some comments yesterday, I had to remove the Google Plus comment capability from my blog, so I could now have the power to moderate commentsIf you follow me on Facebook, you probably know why.

So this is an apology to my real readers and friends, the ones who support me everyday and send me sweet things like you will read below, because sadly, due to one person's immature behavior, we have lost all the positive, loving comments y'all have left.  When I spoke about this, I was flooded with emails:

"Hey lady! I just wanted to let you know that you're such an inspiration to me and others to be more outspoken and independent! You're so creative and kind!...Anyway, you're wonderful and you shouldn't quit blogging because of some nasty people that are obviously unhappy...BOOM! Head up you're awesome❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"

"I'm a huge fan of your blog. I just read your last post and I'm really disappointed that people can be such fucking assholes. Your blog is one of, if not my absolute favorite blog to read, you make me laugh so hard and I'm often disappointed when you don't post everyday! I really like hearing about your new place, your job, funny moments from your past and little facts about you, like not being into having kids and liking morrissey better than the smiths! Me too! Well, I won't keep you, but I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog as I'm sure plenty of people do, and I don't care about what a bunch of tools think or have to say. You rule! Keep your head up girl!"

"Blogging is hard and there are SO MANY haters. She's just pissed because now more people know what an idiot she is. I'm glad you decided not to quit."

So if winning is having a great reader base (oh and by the way, thank you for the millions of pageviews...every time you look at my blog it just makes me more money!!! YES!!!) having  awesome REAL friends, (of which we have NO MUTUAL ones so, nice try) and a great job that has nothing to do with being a pretentious hipster snob (checking your Instagram really only shows pictures of you looking beat up, with lots of really mature memes, so congrats on that success...if that's what you're calling it) yeah, I am pretty sure you're not "winning".  Nice try Charlie Sheen.  All those names you called me only apply to yourself.  How could I be obsessed with someone's life when I don't give a fuck if they live or die?  You're the psycho, tell "our friends" whatever the fuck you want.  No, I win.  


  1. I'm glad you're not letting it get to you. Screw what people say, just do you. You've got a bunch of people backing you up, as you can clearly see above. People suck ass sometimes, but know you've got more supporters than haters.

  2. Well now i'm super curious as to what happened.
    And dude, how in the heck do all these awful people just find you?! I'm glad you've changed up your comments so that you can moderate them though- it's under crappy circumstances but good that you did it.

  3. You go dude, you rock and even though it's easy to forget it, it's nice to see you know it at least in the moments of writing this post! Cling to that feeling ;) Cause people suck, but people can also be great, you just have to filter out the sucky ones :P


  4. The blogging world just kills me sometimes, how people are threatened by others blogs as if there is not enough room on the entire fucking internet. Glad you are blogging and I'm so excited for your new place!

    1. Thank you so much. I just think people like to deflect their own issues onto others, and hiding behind a computer screen is an easy way to do it. I try to be honest and real. People don't like that, especially when they know they see it in themselves.

  5. How did you figure out to change your settings? I couldn't figure it out. I want to stay away from this hideous person.

    1. You have to disable Google Plus comments first, which sucks because then you lose all your previous love.

  6. I like reading your blog because when I read a post I feel like I'm having coffee with a good friend of mine, to me you are the most relatable and real blogger out there. Keep doing what your doing cause its awesome!!

    1. That is the biggest compliment to me, you are such a sweetheart! I love your IG.

  7. i think the G+ integration is creepy. I hate that it posts to my timeline when I make a comment anywhere!


Thanks for reading! I love comments from anyone who isn't a CUNT.