Caturday! Caturday! Caturday!

So Saturday was a bit of a rush for John and I, we never really get time alone, and I needed a haircut, so we decided to take a little road trip to Tustin, to see one of my nearest and dearest for over twenty years now, Miss Gina.  As usual, she tore it up, giving me exactly what I wanted.

I don't know if you all are familiar with the Patchwork Craft Festival, but they do one in Northern California, and like four down here.  They are a hell of a good time.  I often wish I could fly all my pals out and make a week of it.  One day, girls!  One day!  Gina is doing both hair and make-up for one of the founders, Nicole Stevenson, who is getting married in Northern California...she is formerly of "Random Nicole" but now blogs with her Aunt, Delilah at Dear Handmade Life.  Nicole and Delilah are both incredible inspirations, and the geniuses behind Craftification.  I want to attend that conference so badly, but I want a buddy.  Takers?

Now that we are completely off topic, I just need to show off my new hairdo and this skirt I found at Ross.  Yup, Ross again.  I'm thinking about getting a Ross tattoo.  Totally kidding.

my Indian name is: Always Tilts Head

shoes: Target skirt: Ross mystery rack top: Wal-Mart plugs: Body Jewelry Resource pendant: black&bronze

this is me realizing my pendant has been turned around this whole time

black&bronze addiction in full force, and apparently so are my boobs

this skirt rules!!!

So?  What do you think of the new do? 

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